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All information

in one place 

Your company with its own exclusive social network

Publish articles, videos and images in the social network feed, with content that can be seen and shared by your team in real time

Target content to specific groups

Create news, articles or folders and share only with the groups and teams that you want.

Save and highlight  important content

You can bookmark materials you use frequently or just select important parts. These contents are saved so you can access them quickly any time.

Manage your company information with customizable workflows

Ensure that all your company's contents are carefully elaborated, through approval steps along the work.


You can customize the workflows according to the internal processes of each area, allowing their visualization and edition only by the people responsible, facilitating governance and compliance.

Track and optimize your management

Through the dashboard, managers can monitor metrics and access to the platform in real time, visualizing the most active employees, searches and the most read articles, for example.

It is also on the panel that managers take care of the content flow, add information, news, and check which employees have read each material.

Make content collections and share with your teams

The collections allow you to organize the most used materials in the company to facilitate the learning of your employees.  


Managers can create specific content by themes, projects and teams, such as collections for onboarding, marketing, sales and many others. And they can still share this content only with the  employees they choose.

Plataforma White Label

Personalização da plataforma com sua marca, URL, nome, cores e módulos, conforme a identidade da sua marca.

Customizações sob medida

Novas funcionalidades podem ser configuradas e sugeridas, conforme a necessidade de uso da sua empresa.

Treinamento Completo

Fornecemos treinamento através de vídeos, manuais ou reuniões, para facilitar ainda mais o uso da ferramenta pela sua organização.

More advantages and facilities for your business

Easy is fast. Like a lightning.

When you access what you need instantly,

you have time for what matters most.

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Easy is fast. Like a lightning.

Test now all the features and benefits of having an center of information for your team to produce more and better.

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